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A series of universal sports-class feeder rods at an affordable price!


Feeder series ZEMEX Hi-Pro Super Feeder is rightfully considered universal. The rods of this series allow for successful fishing sessions in a wide variety of conditions, ranging from high-speed fishing for medium-sized fish at close distances, to hunting furious carp using the FLAT-Method rig. A distinctive feature of the ZEMEX Hi-Pro Super Feeder is good balance and light weight of the rods.
ZEMEX Hi-Pro blanks are reliable and have high dynamic performance, as they are produced using the proprietary EVO Light technology using high-quality Sky Flex carbon prepregs. The composition is based on 36TON carbon. It is worth noting that all blanks have strong resonating properties, as indicated by the abbreviation HST - High Sensitivity Touch.
The structure of Hi-Pro rods allows us to successfully make precise and accentuated casts at the limit of a comfortable test and in windy weather, which gives us the right to confidently classify them as a sports class instrument. A good confirmation of this is the series of victories of the ZEMEX Feeder Team at one of the most prestigious tournaments in Eastern Europe: the Friendship Cup, as well as at a number of other feeder fishing competitions.
All rods are fitted with Sea Guide models XOG and XQG with zirconium oxide inserts. The frames of the rings are made of durable marine grade SS316 steel, which has high anti-corrosion properties.
Good feeder rods allow you to get a large number of vivid impressions and positive emotions from the fishing process, namely
it is in them that the happiness of the fisherman is measured. ZEMEX Hi-Pro Super Feeder is a series of quality sports-grade instruments at a reasonable price!

ZEMEX Hi-Pro Super Feeder

SKU: 8806066100553
RUB 0.00Price
  • The tallest member of the series is 4.20m long with a test up to 140g. The set of feeder guides includes 10 rings, the first of which is # 30, which allows the use of oversized reels. Transport length 147cm. The blank unleashes its full potential when using rigs from 80 to 120g. Optimal weight of FLAT - method feeders is 60 - 80g. The cruising distance of fishing in the classic feeder style is 40 - 70m. With a good casting technique for the Flat-Method rig, the working boundaries can be increased to 100 meters or more. Longest range rod in the Hi-Pro Super Feeder series. This heavy feeder is designed for catching large fish far offshore. A good power reserve and astringent properties of the blank make it possible to successfully park large carp and cupids when fishing with the FLAT - Method. An important advantage of the ZEMEX Hi-Pro Super Feeder 14ft - 140g is the length, which makes it possible to significantly increase the fishing distance and reach the trophy specimens that have been pushed to distant lines by fishing pressure. Well, do not forget about fishing with a classic feeder on reservoirs and rivers with a moderate current, where this feeder manifests itself in the best possible way. ZEMEX Hi-Pro Super Feeder 14ft - 140g is a powerful tool for successful trophy fish hunting.

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